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作者:   时间:2016-07-21   点击数:

姓名: 陈国 性别: 男 出生日期: 1978.12 职称:教授 最高学位: 博士

工作单位: 华侨大学(厦门校区)manbetx 生物工程系 361021

联系电话: 18850174820


1999年,毕业于四川大学manbetx 化学工艺专业,获学士学位;

2002年,毕业于四川大学manbetx 化学工艺专业,获硕士学位;




1. 基于益生菌——罗伊氏乳杆菌的代谢调控、制剂化技术。

2. 基于功能性磁性纳米粒子的制备、生物分离、生物固定化和生物检测方向的研究。

3. 基于淀粉、纤维素及海洋来源多糖的修饰、功能、可食膜相关研究。





4、第13届霍英东教育基金会青年教师奖 (2013年)


[1] 低聚葡萄糖硫酸酯及其制备方法. 发明人: 陈国. 授权专利号: ZL 200710009757.7

[2] 一种新型固体酸催化剂的制备方法. 发明人: 陈国, 黄世丰. 授权专利号: ZL 200810070768.0

[3] 罗伊氏乳杆菌益生中空微胶囊及其制备方法. 发明人: 陈国,肖雅琴. 授权专利号: ZL 200810070767

[4]  纤维素硫酸酯的制备方法. 发明人: 陈国, 姚善泾. 授权专利号: ZL 201110083268.2

[5] 一种超顺磁性微米淀粉的制备方法. 发明人: 陈国,苏鹏飞. 授权专利号: ZL 201010547886.3

[6] 一种预防和辅助治疗牙周炎的口香糖的制备方法. 发明人: 陈国, 林檬. 授权专利号: ZL 201310351642


1.  Guo Chen*, Bin Liu. Cellulose sulfate based film with slow-release antimicrobial properties prepared by incorporation of mustard essential oil and β-cyclodextrin. Food Hydrocolloids, 2016, 55: 100-107

2.  Chen Guo*, Lin Meng, Fang Baishan. Inhibition and in situ removal of organic acids during Glucose/glycerol co-fermentation by Lactobacillus reuteri. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 99: 93-98

3. Chen Guo*, Wu Zhichao, Ma Yunhui. A novel method for preparation of MNP@CS-tethered coenzyme for coupled oxidoreductase system. Journal of Biotechnology, 2015, 196-197: 152-157

4.  Chen Guo*, Zhang Bin,Zhao Jun, Chen Hongwen. Development and characterization of food packaging film from cellulose sulfate. Food hydrocolloids, 2014, 35: 476-483

5.  Chen Guo*, Liu Bin, Zhang Bin. Characterization of composite hydrocolloid film based on sodium cellulose sulfate and cassava starch. Journal of food engineering, 2014, 125: 105-111

6.  Chen Guo*, Chen Jialu. A novel cell modification method used in biotransformation of glycerol to 3-HPA by L. reuteri. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97(10), 4325-4332

7.  Chen Guo*, Zhang Bin. Improved process for the production of cellulose sulfate using sulfuric acid/ethanol solution. Carbohydrate polymers, 2013, 95(1): 332-337

8.  Chen Guo*, Ma Yunhui, Su Pengfei, Fang Baishan. Direct binding glucoamylase onto carboxyl-functioned magnetic nanoparticles. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 67(15): 120-125

9.  Chen Guo*, Zhang Bin. Hydrolysis of granular corn starch with controlled pore size. Journal of Cereal Science, 2012, 56( 2) : 316–320

10. Chen Guo*, Fang Baishan. Preparation of solid acid catalyst from glucose-starch mixture for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102: 2635–2640



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