姓 名:翁铂森 所在单位:manbetx
职 称:电 话:+86 18559313446
研 究 室/办公地点:华侨大学泛华科技大楼B807,B815
2006/09 -2009/07,厦门大学,生命科学学院,硕士
2009/09 -2012/07,厦门大学,生命科学学院,博士
1. 中国博士后科学基金第55批面上资助,2014M551846,红树林湿地微生物耦合的厌氧氨氧化研究,2014/06-2015/12,5万元,主持。
2. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,41401297,红树林湿地厌氧氨氧化的微生态机制研究,2015/01-2017/12,26万元,主持。
3. 华侨大学引进人才科研启动项目,碳氮同位素示踪红树林湿地营养盐污染与食物链同位素赋存特征构建,2018/11-2020/11, 12万,在研,主持。
4. 横向课题,红树林育苗种植方案及基地规划设计研究,在研,85万,主持。
5. 开放基金:自然资源部海洋-大气化学与全球变化重点实验室开放基金,不同养殖塘模式下沉积物厌氧氨氧化与反硝化贡献探究,在研,2.4万,主持。
6. 厦门市产学研项目:红树林育苗种植方案及基地规划设计研究,在研,26.49万,主持。
7. 横向课题,中闽建研(福建)矿业有限公司建筑用花岗岩矿矿产资源开发利用陆生生态调查,在研,4.1万,主持。
· Weng, B.S., Xie, X.Y., Weiss, D.J., Liu, J.C., Lu, H.L., Yan, C., 2012. Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong tolerance mechanisms to Cadmium: Subcellular distribution, chemical forms and thiol pools. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, 2453–2460.
· BS Weng, XY Xie, JJ Yang , JC Liu, HL Lu, CL Yan (2013) Research on the nitrogen cycle in rhizosphere of Kandelia obovata under ammonium and nitrate addition. Marine Pollution Bulletin 76, 224-240
· Weng, B., Y. Huang, J. Liu, H. Lu and C. Yan (2014). "Alleviated Toxicity of Cadmium by the Rhizosphere of Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong." Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 93(5): 603-610.
· Yang X R , Weng B S , Li H , et al. An overlooked nitrogen loss linked to anaerobic ammonium oxidation in estuarine sediments in China[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2017, 17(5):1-10. (co-first authors)
· Hu Li, Bo-Sen Weng, Fu-Yi Huang, Jian-Qiang Su,Xiao-Ru Yang (2015). “pH regulates ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea in paddy soils in Southern China.” Appl Microbiol Biotechnol: DOI 10.1007/s00253-015-6488-2
· Xie, X.Y., Weiss, D.J., Weng ,B.S., Liu, J.C., Lu, H., Yan, C.L., 2012. The short-term effect of cadmium on low molecular weight organic acid and amino acid exudation from mangrove (Kandelia obovata (S., L.) Yong) roots.Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 1–12.
· Xie, X., Weng, B.S., et al. (2014). "Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation and phosphorus supply on the growth and nutrient uptake of Kandelia obovata (Sheue, Liu & Yong) seedlings in autoclaved soil." Applied Soil Ecology 75: 162-171.
· 谢翔宇, 翁铂森,et al. (2013). "Cd 胁迫下接种丛枝菌根真菌对秋茄幼苗生长与抗氧化酶系统的影响." 厦门大学学报: 自然科学版 52(2): 244-253.
· Yang, X.-R., H. Li, S.-A. Nie, J.-Q. Su, B.-S. Weng, G.-B. Zhu, H.-Y. Yao, J. A. Gilbert and Y.-G. Zhu (2015). "Potential Contribution of Anammox to Nitrogen Loss from Paddy Soils in Southern China." Applied and environmental microbiology 81(3): 938-947.
· San’an Nie, HuLi, Xiaoru Yang, Zhao Ji Zhang, Bosen Weng, Fuyi Huang, Guibing Zhu and Yong-Guan Zhu (2015). "Nitrogen loss by anaerobic oxidation of ammonium in rice rhizosphere." The ISME journal: doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.25.
· Li H , Yang X , Weng B , et al. The phenological stage of rice growth determines anaerobic ammonium oxidation activity in rhizosphere soil[J]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2016, 100:59-65.